English Edition

The saxophone wizard Charles Lloyd is coming to Athens!

The saxophone wizard Charles Lloyd is coming to Athens!

Πηγή Φωτογραφίας: Διαδίκτυο//The artist, who has a unique ability to mesmerise audiences everywhere with his masterful, passionate, and emotional playing, has pioneered the world jazz scene for decades with wonderful recordings and live performances in every corner of the earth.

The artist, who has a unique ability to mesmerise audiences everywhere with his masterful, passionate, and emotional playing, has pioneered the world jazz scene for decades with wonderful recordings and live performances in every corner of the earth.

Leading American musician and composer, the 86-year-old legendary jazz saxophonist Charles Lloyd, is coming to Athens to celebrate the end of his huge career with a concert on July 18 at the Odeon of Herodes Atticus as part of the Athens and Epidaurus Festival.

The artist, who has a unique ability to mesmerise audiences everywhere with his masterful, passionate, and emotional playing, has pioneered the world jazz scene for decades with wonderful recordings and live performances in every corner of the earth.

He was extremely influential and opened new musical paths, which younger musicians later followed. He collaborated with many influential artists.

Among them is our own Maria Farantouri, who will be at his concert at the Odeon.

The two met for the first time in Santa Barbara, California, in 2002. They became close friends and collaborators, and their concert in 2010 at the Odeon of Herodes Atticus is still remembered as one of the leading musical events of our country that bridged jazz improvisation with Greek music, from ancient melodies to Mikis Theodorakis and was released on a record with tremendous success.

The Sky Quartet group, which includes leading names of the world music scene, such as the pianist and artistic director of the Kennedy Center for Jazz, Jason Moran, the bassist Larry Grenadier, the drummer Eric Harland, and the master of the lyre, Sokratis Sinopoulos, will join him in his Athens concert.

Tickets are on sale HERE.

Source: GCT

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