Ειδήσεις, video, ειδησεις τωρα και νέα για 10 YEARS από το pagenews.gr

  • Hundreds of housing loans approved so far through “My Home 2” programme

    Hundreds of housing loans approved so far through "My Home 2" programme

    Interest in the programme continues to be especially strong, with 120,000 people submitting their details for consideration, while the programme aims to help approximately 20,000 households to buy their first home on favourable terms.

    Hundreds of housing loans approved so far through “My Home 2” programme
  • Princess Tatiana of Greece Speaks Out After Ex-Husband’s Remarriage 10 Months Post-Divorce

    Princess Tatiana of Greece Speaks Out After Ex-Husband’s Remarriage 10 Months Post-Divorce

    On social media, she reflected on her ongoing connection to Greece, expressing a firm commitment to her life there. “When people ask if I will continue to live in Greece, my answer has never been more of a YES. Because of you. Thank you for opening your doors, your hearts & your homes. Your kindness and support means everything,” she shared.

    Princess Tatiana of Greece Speaks Out After Ex-Husband’s Remarriage 10 Months Post-Divorce
  • Πώς μια οικογένεια καστόρων εξοικονόμησε στην Τσεχία 1,2 εκατομμύρια δολάρια

    Πώς μια οικογένεια καστόρων εξοικονόμησε στην Τσεχία 1,2 εκατομμύρια δολάρια

    Το 2016, το στρατόπεδο του Μπρντι κρίθηκε προστατευόμενη φυσική περιοχή και οι αρχές θα προχωρούσαν σε έργα περιβαλλοντικής μετατροπής του σε υγροβιότοπο. Όμως τα σχέδια ανέτρεψε μια οικογένεια καστόρων που με το έργο της, πρόλαβε και έφτιαξε φράγματα.

    Πώς μια οικογένεια καστόρων εξοικονόμησε στην Τσεχία 1,2 εκατομμύρια δολάρια
  • Konstantinos Tasoulas elected new president of Greece

    Konstantinos Tasoulas elected new president of Greece

    Tasoulas, 66, the candidate of the ruling conservative party, secured 160 votes in the 300-seat Parliament. A total of 276 lawmakers participated in the vote, while 24 were absent, including all 11 New Left MPs.

    Konstantinos Tasoulas elected new president of Greece
  • ENFIA: Deadline until Friday for the property insurance deduction

    ENFIA: Deadline until Friday for the property insurance deduction

    In order to be granted an ENFIA reduction for the year 2025, if the conditions are met, you need to apply by 14/02/2025 through the myPROPERTY platform on the myAADE digital portal (myaade.gov.gr), by following the route: Applications > Popular Applications > myPROPERTY > Reduction of ENVAT for insured houses > Login to the Application, after logging in with your personal TAXISNET codes.

    ENFIA: Deadline until Friday for the property insurance deduction