English Edition

The 2022 Greek Film Festival returns to Australia

The 2022 Greek Film Festival returns to Australia

Πηγή Φωτογραφίας: Hello Magazine Cyprus- The Daily Owl

Adelaide, Brisbane and Canberra scheduling are expected to be announced soon.

The 2022 Greek Film Festival returns to Australia to play across capital cities following a due year hiatus courtesy for the pandemic which made in-person events prohibitive.

In Sydney, and Melbourne the festivals opens on 13 October and runs till 23 October and 30 October respectively with the opening night screening Eftihia:

Inspired by the life of lyricist Eftyhia Papagiannopoulou who took risks and vowed to live life on her own terms. Directed by Angelos Frantzis and starring Kariofilia Karabeti, Katia Goulioni, Pigmalion Dadakaridis , Thanos Tokakis, Dina Michailidou the film celebrates the timeless popular songs of Eftyhia set to music by Tsitsanis, Kaldaras, Ηiotis, and Hadjidakis.

Closing the festival on Sunday 23, October is Gregoris Karantinakis’ Smyrna which follows Filio, an elderly Greek American woman whose family diary recounts the turbulent history, shaped by international developments, and brings past and present together.

Adelaide, Brisbane and Canberra scheduling are expected to be announced soon.

Thirteen narrative features, three documentaries and the Student Film Festival make up the diverse festival line-up that will transport you to exuberant Athens (Monday), explore generational history (Smyrna) and highlights ambitious, local art (The Greek Bar Jacket).

This year’s festival is dedicated to the 100th Anniversary of the Asia Minor Catastrophe. An event described as ‘changing the face of Modern Greece’.

“We’re thrilled to showcase another eclectic lineup that is just a small sample of the rich stories that hail from Greece” says Festival Chair, Nia Karteris.

“This is not only a celebration of strong, Greek voices from around the world with a program that we know will resonate with, inspire and bring joy to Australian audiences; but also, a reflection of the life changing events that shaped and altered many Greek lives.”


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